Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So folks, and when I say that I mean the teaming masses who will be viewing this blog today, as of late I have been spending a large amount of my online time reading various blogs.  Well today is the day I finally felt inspired enough to begin my own.  Or is it that I stopped being lazy?  that is unclear...  never the less here I am.  
Today it is raining today, as it was yesterday.  A cold, gross rain, but I am not in despair.
Put on some boots, pull out your favorite vintage umbrella(if you do not own one, please do yourself a favor and hop on it, it makes rain so much more exciting), and go about your day.   Today I need some groceries, because there are a plethora of new recipes I feel the need to try. What else to do when it is cold and wet?  Make biscuits!  specifically some herb biscuits and a fantastic sounding Lima bean, Mushroom and Chard soup from the February issue of Bon Appetit.  Why do magazines come a month in advance?  I really don't get that, if anyone does please offer up this bit of wisdom for the betterment of us all.  

On a totally separate note,  I have begun taking some photographs.  I am sort of half teaching myself to use my dads old 35mm Canon.  The results, thus far, have been so-so, but I am pretty pumped and I may adventure out into the chilling dampness this afternoon to take a few more.  

Heres a taste of the results so far:  The subjects are my roommates and a dear friend who are kindly putting up with my new found source of amusement.



  1. I adore you, even though you are so very distracting, and I have yet to hop in the shower because I am very much involved in this blogging situation now.

  2. Hmmm, I've never understood magazine publishing schedules either. That soup looks mighty appetizing, though. I'll have to save it for a rainy day here!
